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Bondage Equipment. Part 2. Suspension and Restraint. Continuation

Hello, my lonely random reader, today we will talk about what we directly use for suspension. So, we’ve made a point, but what comes next?

Let’s start with bamboo.

I like bamboo the most, especially if it’s thick, around 120 mm in diameter or more; it’s reliable and convenient to work with. However, finding such a thick piece can be difficult, while 60-70 mm is more realistic to locate.

Even with small cracks, it easily supports me (weighing 120 kg). It’s much more reliable than wood. Lightweight too. The only thing it fears is moisture, which can cause it to crack. However, bamboo with a cross-section of 120 mm can tolerate almost any crack. Additionally, bamboo has an extremely important advantage: it doesn’t wear down the rope. In short, I highly recommend it.

Next, let’s discuss rings, or rather three types of rings.

Starting with a smooth metal ring.

This option is my least favorite. The problem is that the rope, especially in suspensions, tends to snag. Once, I was asked to help remove a snagged rope while the rigger held the bottom partner in their arms. Another downside is that it’s really slippery, meaning it doesn’t forgive mistakes—if the suspension rope slips from your hands, there’s a high chance your partner will end up on the floor. This type of ring works almost like a pulley, and yes, the rope begins to wear down due to its smaller diameter.

On the plus side, it is reliable if well-made, lightweight, and doesn’t take up much space.

Now, the gymnastic ring.

I prefer this option over the metal one. It forgives some mistakes since there’s more friction due to its larger diameter, which means the rope suffers less. If you buy a properly certified gymnastic ring, it’s very reliable.

The rope tends to snag even more than on the metal ring because of the increased friction.

Then there’s this type of ring.

I’ve worked with these a couple of times and didn’t quite understand their purpose. I apologize in advance to the artisans who make them. My opinion might not be accurate. The downsides are the same as with a regular metal ring.

Another general downside of rings is that they limit movement in suspension quite a bit because of their shape.

In conclusion: they’re reliable, easy to transport, and serve as a decent portable point. That’s how I’ve used rings.

Carabiners and Swivels.

When I first entered the world of large rope bondage, it was possible to have a set of carabiners, strictly climbing ones, along with a climbing swivel. This set is still with me today.

Carabiners are the least favorite of all the items I’ve mentioned. Their only advantage is predictable reliability; they have a defined load limit known since purchase, and it will be exactly as stated.

Everything else is purely downside. In the end, I only kept carabiners for use on cuffs, which I use for spanking.

The swivel—I’ve only used it about five or six times in my entire practice. Yes, the suspension and rotation of the bottom partner look impressive on stage, but it’s not needed for anything else.

Rope. I’ve seen work done with rope loops a few times. In my opinion, it’s unreliable, firstly due to the rope itself. Secondly, because of excessive friction. Thirdly, it’s easy to get tangled in the process.

This option only works if there’s no other choice. I don’t like it, but it is possible.

That’s about it.

In summary.

Rope bondage is great primarily because a person who is reasonably skilled with rope doesn’t need anything else. They can create a suspension point from the rope on practically any vertical surface.

But if we’re being honest:

For home, for studio, or in general for some stationary point, I believe there’s nothing more reliable and interesting than bamboo.

If you need a portable option, securely connect a gymnastic ring and a carabiner in any way. This setup can be easily transported.

That’s all for now. Next time, we’ll talk about the rope itself.

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About Equipment. Part 2. Suspension and Fixation

Once, I decided that I really needed a suspension point at home. I live in an old building in St. Petersburg, and my ceiling is 3.60 meters high. One morning, I came home, grabbed my drill, took the prepared anchor, drilled a hole, screwed in the anchor, and hung a rope. I tugged at it. Seemed fine. Then, like a true experimenter testing everything on myself, I hung from the rope. I’m a pretty big guy, and I was already like that back then. The rope held. “Well,” I thought, “let’s conduct the final tests.” I hung on the rope and climbed up, reaching the ceiling and touching it with my hand… and at that very moment, the anchor popped out, along with the dowel.

I, along with the rope, anchor, dowel, and myself, fell down. I crashed to the floor like a sack of potatoes, hitting my head hard. After that, I stood up, shook it off, told my future wife something like, “Well… clearly, that didn’t work,” and headed off to work.

This wasn’t my only failed experiment with a suspension point. I’ll tell you about another one sometime.

From that, I concluded that suspending myself from a single point in a house with a ceiling made of thick plywood is not the best idea.

And let me tell you now—remember this well: making a full suspension point on a single anchor anywhere is not worth it. Concrete, you know, crumbles. The load during suspension, whatever its vector, always goes “outward” on the anchor. The load during suspension is always dynamic. Not to mention that the anchor can simply unscrew. Are you ready to bet your partner’s health on the strength of concrete and a single anchor? That’s a rhetorical question, reader.

In Nikita’s studio, where I started my bondage journey long ago, there was bamboo suspended from three anchors.

Three anchors with a distance of 80-100 cm between the outer ones and bamboo/rings suspended from them is probably the simplest safe option. Specifically three; more than that doesn’t make sense. I worked with such a setup for several years, and it was good. You just need to monitor the condition of the anchors and the concrete/bricks around. Tighten the anchors, use various “liquid nails” on the concrete, and so on.

So what to do if your ceiling is like mine? What to do if you want to suspend but there are no points and you can’t just make them?

Calm down, reader, I’ll lay it all out for you.

Let’s start with chairs and tables.

Until I had a proper point, I worked on chairs. It looked something like this:

I don’t have a photo of the actual suspension, but I think you can guess what it looked like.

The setup is extremely unstable; you have to work carefully. You can choose not to tie the bamboo to the backs of the chairs but simply lay it between them.

Yes, it’s like the joke about “very low,” yes, it’s not very convenient, yes, it’s unstable, and you need to understand what you’re doing. But… in the absence of a better option, reader, you make do with the simple.

Another tip: try to perceive the chair as a structure of irregular shape. And then you will immediately understand that you can lay it on its side or on its back.

Next, I came up with two anchors on the wall. It looked something like this:

The niche I have in the wall saved me, meaning there was more space. Still, face-down or face-up suspensions are not very comfortable. Sideways is excellent. And generally, if you just need to secure for spanking or other fun, it’s the perfect option. Such fixation easily conceals itself.

The nuance here is that you need to choose the thickest anchors you can find; otherwise, they will just bend.

Okay. I recommend it.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a photo with the table. But, I think you understand, reader, that you can basically suspend from a table. The table should be sturdy, preferably made of solid wood. And you need to be mindful of the weight distribution so that the table doesn’t tip over. If you can manage with chairs, you can certainly handle a table.

Here’s another interesting, non-obvious option: working on a chain.

For this, you’ll need a couple of strong anchors in the walls at a height of 160-180 cm from the floor (this positioning hides them even better), and of course—a chain. You can do all sorts of things with a chain. Tie, suspend… Well, you’ll figure it out. It’s an extremely workable option. Just choose thicker anchors and chains, and make sure that the rope doesn’t get pinched between the links.

For a while in St. Petersburg, everyone worked in doorways; I didn’t have that experience, but I had a window that was 220 cm high and 120 cm wide.

It’s also a workable option, albeit dangerous. You can’t do much here. But the very fact of working in a window can be an interesting point. You can do it, if you’re careful.

Now, if you find yourself without chairs, tables, and two wires hanging from the ceiling where a light bulb will once hang, go outside. You go outside and find that there are simply no thick, low branches.

But there’s a trunk:

A trunk is quite good. You can and should work with a trunk, considering that it’s both dirty and rough. I could never make anything delicate on a trunk. But painful options worked really well.

Now let’s talk about various “mounting platforms”:

I’ve never liked such options. One, I’m afraid, won’t be enough. And if you need more, why not hang three simple anchors? In general: either not enough or too much. I have no experience working with such things specifically because of that.

Hooks. There are anchor rings, and there are anchor hooks.

Here’s another story:

This happened at the first Moskow Knot, where I was a bit of a translator from English to Russian swearing.

So, Ricardo approached me and began to enthusiastically explain with all his Italian temperament that the hooks screwed into the suspension frame are dangerous and he doesn’t want to work on them. He asks for help hanging a ring. In the end, I think everyone worked on rings, while I worked on a ring with WykD Dave.

And rightly so.

You can secure yourself to hooks, but suspending on them is categorically not advisable. I even remember avoiding securing myself. Just look at what condition those hooks were in after a dozen bindings.

In conclusion, dear reader, here’s a real rarity.

I still have my notebook from 2011-2012 where I planned all sorts of things.

Here are a couple of photos from it:

I was thinking about making something at home to suspend a person. I considered various options for frames, channels, and everything else. As you can see, I’m not much of an artist.

The option numbered 1, I even tried to implement. I twisted everything, hung a beam, and tried to hang from it. You should have seen how I fell from there on my very first try, along with all the wood that was twisted there!

I got hit on the head by a 10×10 beam.

And it was after these attempts that this design was born, which faithfully served me for three years.

So, for today, my lonely random reader—that’s all.

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Equipment – Part 1

Let’s start with flooring.

The most comfortable thing I’ve had is tatami. Yes, the real, traditional Japanese ones. Classic. 90 by 180. I had three of them. And they are just the best of the best.

The only downside is the time it takes to find and deliver them. You can’t find them easily. You can’t even find them in St. Petersburg, which says something. I bought them almost by accident.

Now I really regret selling them.

Caring for them is quite simple. They don’t like moisture. This means you need to periodically fluff them up, air them out, and shake them out. I did this once a year. People who know say you can sprinkle something on them, but I didn’t do that. They are super durable; they’re firm yet soft (an amazing paradox). It’s literally impossible to leave carpet burns on them, no matter what you do. They clean up excellently. For bondage, they are simply the best option. Seriously. I love them.

The next very good flooring option is a budo mat.

This is a synthetic equivalent of tatami. You can purchase it in sports stores or martial arts shops.

The price varies greatly, depending on the material and thickness. You shouldn’t hesitate to spend money here. Thicker, sturdier, and stiffer material is better. It’s important to lay it out properly, and if necessary, to finish the edges with wooden baseboards. There are options with “swallow’s nests,” and it can be cut to the size of the customer’s request. There are absolutely no issues with them; they wash easily with water, don’t rot, and hardly get dirty.

I didn’t have them at home for one reason only: I was interested in a certain authenticity, plus I love natural materials, so I opted for a more complicated option. But I practiced hand-to-hand combat on those mats, I rolled around on them, and I did bondage on them. And now I would choose this flooring again. Yes, there are still a few quirks. Yes, it’s not a mat that you just lay out and go. But still – it’s a really cool thing. In short, I highly recommend it.

The next thing I’ll talk about is various mats. They can be made from different materials: jute, various grasses/reeds, coconut, and so on. I had one like that.

Guys, I have to say that doing bondage on it on a regular basis is just impossible. It rolls around the floor like a skateboard. It collects all sorts of rubbish around it even after you’ve shaken it out for an hour. And it crushes easily.

Also, doing bondage on it is just painful. For your knees, elbows, and pretty much any part of your body except for your feet that ends up on it. I used this moment.

If doing bondage on it regularly is impossible, then for a scene with painful bondage – it’s an indispensable item in the household. You can buy something like this for cheap in any “everything for home” store and kindly place it under your bound partner at the right moment. Well… for example, at a moment like this:

Let your imagination picture what will happen to your partner in 3-5 minutes.

So, it’s useful to have a mat. But only as a prop, not as a permanent flooring option. Therefore, it should be small, easy to clean up, and kept handy.

Now, dear reader, about carpet with thick pile.

Pros: cheap, can be rolled up and carried away, doesn’t slide around on the floor.

The downside is that wax is hard to remove from them, even with the “iron-paper” method, and they’re generally hard to clean. So, it should be something that you dirty up, throw away, and buy a new one. Overall, it’s quite convenient. But there are nuances. Like in that joke.

And logically, we should talk about carpet with no pile or thin pile.

This is very cheap, very easy to clean, and you won’t mind losing it. It’s quite convenient to use. I actually brought carpets to my Kinbaku club, and I worked on those carpets at home. But they have one serious downside: carpet burns. They are absolutely horrible and easily caused by this type of flooring. They heal slowly, and in particularly bad cases, they leave scars. Just a slightly more abrupt movement from your partner, or any part of them on that flooring – and it’s done, you have a burn. If you consider this nuance and know about it, you can use it quite well.

Another interesting option – I worked on a cork floor. At one time, it was trendy to have such flooring.

I really liked it. The sensations are unusual. There was actually a thicker version than what’s shown in the photo. It’s comfortable, not slippery, and quite soft. If you made a mat out of it – I think it would be nice. And if you find a version and put it at home – that would be quite sufficient. The downsides are that there are a ton of manufacturers, making it hard to choose a quality product. And if you find one, it’s quite expensive.

I won’t describe working on different types of linoleum, laminate, wood, tile, and porcelain stoneware; I’ll keep it very brief:

Linoleum – the thicker, the better, but it won’t save you from scrapes and burns. It’s quite usable if you’re careful.

Laminate, porcelain stoneware – hard and cold. You’ll get a ton of bruises and can’t sit on it for long. So, it’s not very suitable unless we’re talking about some standing options. And with those options – it doesn’t really matter what flooring you have, as long as it’s not ice.

Tile – in addition to the same downsides as laminate and porcelain stoneware, there’s also a chance of it cracking. Just forget about that option. Not suitable at all.

That’s about it for flooring. Next time, we’ll talk about suspension points and everything related to them. Or maybe something else. We’ll see.


Understanding the Effects of Restrictive Binding and Peripheral Cyanosis

In the world of bondage, understanding the physiological effects of restrictive binding is crucial for ensuring safety and pleasure. One common concern is the appearance of peripheral cyanosis, which can manifest as a bluish discoloration of the skin. This article aims to clarify what cyanosis is, the risks associated with binding, and how to mitigate potential harm to your partner.

Understanding Cyanosis: Cyanosis is a bluish tint seen in the skin and mucous membranes, often indicating an underlying issue with blood oxygenation. It typically occurs due to a reduced blood flow or oxygen depletion, often linked to conditions such as heart disease or circulatory issues.

Peripheral Cyanosis Explained: Peripheral cyanosis occurs when blood flow in the capillaries is slowed, leading to a higher concentration of carbon dioxide and a lower oxygen level in the blood. This can be exacerbated by tight binding that restricts venous return. Notably, this can also arise from other factors, including prolonged positions, ambient temperature, or existing vascular conditions.

The Role of Lymphatic Drainage: It’s essential to recognize that venous blood flow and lymphatic drainage are interconnected. When binding restricts blood flow, it can also hinder the lymphatic system’s ability to clear waste from the tissues, leading to a buildup of fluids and potential complications.

Risks Associated with Tight Binding: When binding is excessively tight, especially around the arms or legs, the potential for cyanosis increases. The pressure can cause vessels to become engorged with venous blood, leading to the telltale bluish hue. Additionally, the risk of vessel damage rises as the thin walls of veins are subjected to increased pressure.

Identifying Safe Practices:

  1. Know Your Partner’s Health Status: Before engaging in bondage, have open discussions about your partner’s medical history, including any cardiovascular issues, respiratory conditions, or existing vascular problems. Questions about their usual skin temperature and color can also provide valuable insights.
  2. Observe Skin Color and Vessel Condition: Regularly check the appearance of the skin during play. Look for any signs of unusual discoloration or swelling, which could indicate compromised circulation.
  3. Monitor for Symptoms of Distress: If you notice cyanosis or if your partner expresses discomfort, release the binding immediately. Safety should always take precedence over any aesthetic or experiential goals.
  4. Avoid Areas with Known Issues: Be mindful of binding on limbs or areas where vascular issues may already exist. For example, if your partner has varicose veins, tighter binding could exacerbate the condition.

Implications for Breast Binding: In particular, binding around the breast area can be highly risky. The breast tissue is richly supplied with blood vessels and lymphatics, and any constriction can lead to severe consequences, including:

  • Bruising and Hematoma Formation: Damage to blood vessels can lead to bruising and internal bleeding, which may require medical attention.
  • Infection Risks: A hematoma can create an environment conducive to infection, which is particularly dangerous in breast tissue.
  • Long-Term Health Concerns: Repeated trauma to the breast can potentially lead to serious conditions, including increased risk of cancer.

Conclusion: When engaging in bondage, it’s vital to prioritize safety and communication. Understanding the risks associated with restrictive binding, particularly regarding peripheral cyanosis and potential damage to the vascular system, can help create a safe and enjoyable experience for both partners. Always err on the side of caution and be ready to adjust or discontinue practices that may compromise health and well-being.


Playing with Wax: A Guide to Sensual Wax Games

Playing with hot wax is one of the most thrilling activities in the BDSM world, but it’s essential to remember that in inexperienced hands, hot wax can cause serious burns. Here are some essential rules and tips for engaging in this practice safely.

General Rules:

When engaging in wax play, it’s best to use pure paraffin or wax, avoiding additives that could cause allergic reactions. Before the session, test the wax on yourself to ensure it’s safe for your partner.

Melting Temperature of Wax:

Different types of wax have varying melting temperatures:

  • Pure Paraffin: 46–52 °C (115–126 °F)
  • Large Church Candles: 55–60 °C (131–140 °F)
  • Thin and Regular Candles: Above 60 °C (140 °F)
  • Hard Lantern Candles: Above 67 °C (153 °F)
  • Pure Beeswax: Above 63 °C (145 °F)


Some additives can be dangerous. For instance, stearic acid increases the melting point and can cause thermal or chemical burns. Dyes and fragrances may also trigger allergic reactions, so it’s recommended to use wax without additives.

Optimal Temperature:

For safe play, the ideal wax temperature is around 55 °C (131 °F), but for more sensitive areas (nipples and genitals), it’s better to lower the temperature to about 45-50 °C (113-122 °F).

Techniques for Using Wax:

  1. Dripping: The most common method, allowing you to control sensations. Drip wax onto the skin while monitoring the temperature and your partner’s reaction.
  2. Pouring: This technique is riskier since the wax can be too hot. Be cautious and watch your partner’s response closely.
  3. Smearing: This creates unique sensations and allows for artistic expression on your partner’s body. Combining hot wax with cold sensations can enhance the experience.

Necessary Materials:

  • Candles
  • A small container for heating wax
  • Brushes (both thick and thin)
  • Ice (for contrasting sensations)


Using hot wax can add an emotional and erotic climax to your session. Always prioritize safety, reasonableness, and consent—these are the keys to successful BDSM practice.


Wax Play

Wax Play is a sensual game involving melted wax within BDSM. This practice can offer unforgettable pleasure or, conversely, pose risks to health if not handled properly by an experienced Dom. First and foremost, it’s essential to prioritize safety.

The three core principles of BDSM are Safety, Sane, and Consensual. Additionally, experience is crucial; simply having a theoretical understanding of the techniques is not enough. Wax play is far from a vanilla practice; many mistakenly believe it’s simple. Let’s briefly cover the most important aspects.

Application Techniques

The wax can be applied in several ways:

  1. Dripping (with the sub in a horizontal/vertical position)
  2. Streaming (sub in a vertical position)
  3. Pouring (horizontal)
  4. Smearing (horizontal/vertical)

As with any BDSM practice, start from simple to complex. Pay attention to your partner’s sensations and level of comfort; if all is going well, you can experiment further.

Safety Considerations

Only pure paraffin candles are safe for this type of play, as they won’t harm the skin or cause allergic reactions. Avoid using dining candles, church candles, birthday candles, or beeswax candles, as paraffin from these can cause burns due to their high melting temperatures, and they can leave scars. If you choose to use such candles, proceed with caution and communicate with your sub to avoid any shocking surprises.


If you’re using the Dripping Technique, light the candles 1-2 minutes before the session to let them burn. For smearing and pouring, light them 3 hours prior to the game. It’s best to let the candles melt naturally. Once ready, keep the wax in a jug or thermal cup for later use. The temperature of the paraffin should not exceed 49 degrees Celsius. Keep a thermometer handy for accuracy.


  1. Wax Dripping: Start by dripping wax on your own hand and then onto your partner’s, gradually moving to their décolletage, abdomen, and buttocks. Hold the candle horizontally about 40-45 cm away from their body.
  2. Streaming Wax: The sub will feel heightened sensations, but be sure to keep the stream very thin and be extremely cautious to avoid injury.
  3. Smearing Wax: The wax temperature must remain below 49 degrees. This procedure is done by hand. You can create molds of your sub’s favorite body parts. Once the wax hardens, gently separate it from the skin rather than the other way around. This practice can induce a subspace experience.
  4. Body Painting: At a temperature of 52 degrees, you can use your partner’s body as a canvas, painting with your fingers or a brush. The thicker the brush, the more intense the sensations. You can use different colors of wax, provided the sub does not have allergies.
  5. Wax and Ice: This combination enhances sensations and adds contrast. You can alternate between placing an ice cube on the nipple and dripping wax on the abdomen or vice versa. Each person should experiment to find what feels best.

Where to Buy Wax Candles

The best places to purchase wax play candles are specialty sex shops or ethnic stores. If aesthetics aren’t your priority, you can opt for plain white household candles. However, it’s recommended to choose thicker candles, which create a natural reservoir while melting, allowing the wax to cool down and minimize harm to the skin. Avoid scented candles as fragrances can often cause allergies due to their non-natural ingredients. Also, steer clear of candles with glitter or exorbitant price tags, as they may contain numerous additives.

Removing the Wax

Wax can be removed in several ways, but the most common method is using a knife. Slide the knife under the edge of the wax sheet and carefully lift it off the body. After removal, take a warm shower. For women, start with a warm to cold contrast, finishing with cold water; for men, do the opposite.

Reminders for the Sub

  1. Ensure there are no hairs on the body.
  2. Always inform your Dom about any possible allergic reactions.

Reminders for the Dom

  1. Avoid using wax on the face.
  2. Do not pour wax on areas with cuts, wounds, or piercings.
  3. Monitor the temperature of the wax.
  4. The candle wick should be short and thin.
  5. Before applying wax on the sub, test it on your hand.
  6. Keep an eye on the sub’s condition and have a first aid kit on hand in case of emergencies.

Wax play is an extreme game among BDSM practitioners that relies heavily on trust and reciprocity. You should feel connected to each other to fully enjoy the experience. Remember, your partner gives you exactly as much as they receive from you.

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Peeping in the Mirror During Masturbation and Sex

Watching yourself during masturbation or sex in front of a mirror can spark a new emotional high. Interestingly, reflections can make the penis appear larger than it actually is, positively affecting how both men and women perceive themselves. If you haven’t tried masturbating or having sex in front of a mirror yet—give it a shot. Chances are, you’ll find yourself using this technique quite often.

Starting Off
Begin by using the mirror for solo masturbation. If you feel awkward about your body at first, position yourself so you can only see your face. Look into your eyes, moan, and move. Don’t be shy; gradually shift your focus to observing yourself and your actions as a whole while you pleasure yourself.

Leveling Up
Take masturbation to the next level by engaging in mutual masturbation with a partner. Use a mirror to enhance the experience. Preliminary practice can help reduce feelings of risk. For variety, consider using a small handheld mirror. This way, you can see penetration from all angles and perspectives.

Positive Effects of the Mirror

  • Intense Arousal: The excitement peaks when you see yourself looking heated and desirable.
  • Self-Discovery: You’ll undoubtedly learn a lot about how your body moves during masturbation and sex. Play around with this or focus on your movements.
  • Body Acceptance: This technique can help combat body dissatisfaction. Move slowly and make an effort to stop criticizing and feeling ashamed of your reflection in the mirror.
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The Secrets of Oral Sex

Let’s be honest. Most men have no idea what a true oral experience can be. They equate oral sex with the monotonous slurping they get from lazy girlfriends. It’s time to put an end to this nonsense! Every man deserves to experience a skilled and passionate oral session at least once—it’s a pleasure unlike any other. To help you out, I’m going to reveal some secrets that women typically keep under wraps.

Secret One:
Women enjoy oral sex too. Yes, it’s true, despite what many feminists might tell us. Oral sex is not an act of violence against women; it’s a mutually enjoyable game. The lips and mouth of a woman contain numerous erogenous zones. Plus, the thrill of engaging in a “forbidden” act adds to the excitement—who knows who’s luckier in the end?

Secret Two:
A good lover performs oral sex with her eyes. That’s right. Unlike a bad lover who hides under the covers in the dark, a skilled lover knows that a man should see her excited eyes. Many women fall into the habit of only showing the back of their heads. What interesting view does that offer over the years? A new hairpin? A good lover makes sure to reveal her face and body to her partner.

Secret Three:
Oral sex is more than just a penis in the mouth. Many women mistakenly think they’ve pleased a man by merely moving their heads back and forth. In reality, a great lover uses her entire body during oral sex. She can playfully slide the penis between her breasts, caress the head with her hands, and allow the man to touch and knead her body. This, in my opinion, is the only way to perform a complete oral act.

Secret Four:
The benefits of a mirrored wardrobe. Some women think mirrors are only for checking their appearance before heading out. Not true! A mirror can allow you to create a mini-movie featuring yourselves! If you happen to engage in some lovemaking in front of a mirror, you might discover a lot about yourselves. Bolder couples might even consider filming a home video—just to delete it later!

Secret Five:
Indulgence in unexpected places. Why should oral sex be limited to the bed? Let’s break this boring tradition! Why not crawl under the table, just like Monica Lewinsky? By the way, many men share the fantasy of having oral sex with a woman who is bent over the table. In short, let’s explore more places for pleasure!

Secret Six:
Dress for oral sex. Naturally, it’s best to perform oral sex while naked or in sexy lingerie. But today, I won’t focus on erotic costumes from a sex shop. Instead, I’ll share a secret about amazing oral sex that involves the right lipstick. Many men get incredibly excited seeing glossy, colorful lips. Why not make that connection reflexive? As soon as a woman starts applying her lipstick, the man’s excitement should escalate!

Secret Seven:
What not to do. Women planning on giving a deep oral performance should definitely avoid eating lunch or dinner less than an hour before the main event. Otherwise, you might go from “Miss Deep Throat” to “Miss Puking All Over the Floor!”

Secret Eight:
Little helpers for big pleasure. You know what I’m talking about? Various devices can enhance a woman’s pleasure. Vibrators, plugs, and other toys can help a woman achieve multiple orgasms, elevating the man’s enjoyment as well.

Secret Nine:
Live and learn, as our grandmothers used to say. Don’t be shy about learning more in such an important and exciting endeavor as oral sex. Special courses and books can introduce even the most experienced woman to new techniques. It’s worth a try!

Secret Ten:
Let go of your demons. We’re talking about things that are shameful to even think about, let alone say. Many men and women consider oral sex humiliating or forbidden. The stronger the taboo in your mind, the greater the thrill of breaking through it. Sometimes, discussing the game beforehand can lead to fulfilling the most outrageous fantasies. A man who firmly holds a woman’s head, guiding her throat onto his arousal—this is a common fantasy. Maybe it’s time to give in to that fantasy and unleash your desires!

Wishing you a pleasant night and a wet, hot, skilled experience! Get to work!

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11 Fun Oral Techniques

  • Classic Blowjob
    Remove your teeth, wrap your lips around the penis, and go deeper into your mouth, pulling out, then in again. Occasionally stroke the penis with your hand and caress the testicles. Start slowly, then gradually increase the tempo. Before climax, let the man thrust into your mouth. Use plenty of lube for your hand (cosmetic oil or saliva works well).
  • One Hand
    Create the impression that your hand is an extension of your mouth. Generously lube your working hand and the penis, wrap your lips around the head, and use one hand on the shaft. Slowly take him in, continuing to move your hand. Release your lips from the head but keep moving with your hand.
  • Only Mouth
    During this technique, only your mouth is involved. It creates a special wet sensation, soft and firm, resembling a vagina. Lick the penis with your lips and tongue, moving your head in a circle or allowing the man to move. Make sure the penis doesn’t slip out of your mouth and keep it stimulated with your tongue.
  • Sucking Out Semen
    Create the sensation that you’re sucking the penis inside you. Use one or both hands to stroke from the testicles to the head while sucking out the semen with your mouth.
  • Gentle Kisses on the Penis
    Imagine the penis and testicles as lips. Kiss along the length, the head, and the testicles. Instead of sucking, just kiss and gently pull the skin in. Alternate the strength of your kisses.
  • Licking the Penis
    Think of the penis as a quickly melting ice cream cone. Stick out your tongue like a spatula and lick from the testicles to the head. Alternate between slow and fast motions, occasionally fully taking the penis into your mouth.
  • Tasty Treat
    Coat the penis with something wet and tasty — ice cream, honey, whipped cream, chocolate, or fruit. Then start licking and sucking. Alternatively, you can fill your mouth with champagne or soda and take the penis in your mouth for a bubbly sensation.
  • Sucking the Balls
    Generously lube the penis and your hand, move your hand along the shaft, and take the testicles into your mouth. Suck them whole or one at a time, or together.
  • Chewing the Penis
    Take the penis in your mouth and gently chew it with your lips and tongue. Be cautious; the pressure of your teeth depends on your partner’s tolerance for intense sensations.
  • Blindfolded
    Blindfold yourself and your partner. This can create the feeling that the blowjob is being given by someone else, adding variety to your sexual life.
  • Stimulation of the Anus and Prostate
    While performing oral, tease the anus with a finger, gradually inserting it. Build to a peak of arousal, then ease off. Once the sphincter relaxes, push the finger deeper and stimulate the prostate through the partner’s rectum.

A Few Secrets of Oral Sex


There are countless techniques for oral sex, with the “69” position being the most popular method for mutual fellatio. Many people may not even know what the name refers to (although in St. Petersburg, there’s even a club named after it!).

To perform it, there are two main partner positions. First, you can lie on your sides, in a “valet” position (with your heads at each other’s feet). Second, one partner can lie on their back while the other kneels above their head.

The technique of giving oral sex in the 69 position is not different from one-sided fellatio; the only difference is that partners pleasure each other simultaneously. It’s crucial to act “in unison,” meaning you should be in sync, always mindful of your partner’s pleasure.

With a little practice, you will discover that giving pleasure during oral sex can be just as enjoyable as receiving it. The key is that both partners should find it pleasurable. If your partner isn’t interested in oral sex and prefers to “give,” attempting a “69” may disrupt your relationship.


This position mirrors the “69,” with the only difference being that you both stimulate each other’s anal openings with your index fingers, creating a unique spectrum of sensations.

The name of this position is easy to decipher: 69 plus one (finger) plus another (finger). Feel free to experiment and try out different numbers, even going as far as eighty-nine (though using your legs might be a challenge!).


Kneel before your partner. In this position, it’s easier to control what’s in your mouth, and your hands remain free to caress your partner.

Exhale to create a vacuum in your mouth, then gently take him in, firmly wrapping your lips around him. Don’t try to swallow him whole; you need some room for your tongue to maneuver! Now, lightly tease the tip with your tongue.

After a while, start moving your lips up and down along the shaft, but stop just short of the glans during upward movements. Your main goal is to keep the tip of your tongue constantly in contact with the head of his penis, teasing him with fluttering and gliding motions.

Trust me, this will drive your partner wild! After a few minutes, you can transition to another technique.


Once you’ve mastered creating a vacuum in your mouth and are accustomed to the length of his penis, try this technique for guaranteed pleasure!

Tightly squeeze your lips around the shaft and slowly try to go down to the base, touching your nose to his pubic hair. Now, imagine drawing the infinity symbol (“the eight lying on its side”) on his pubic area, approximately 8-10 cm in size. Slowly rise up your lips to the head of his penis, continuing to draw the “infinity” symbol, then descend back down, ensuring your lips stay snug against him.


Take the interesting organ into your mouth but don’t grip it with your lips. Begin to make circular motions with your head. The penis will touch various spots in your mouth due to your circular movements. Be careful to avoid your teeth!

This exercise is best performed while kneeling over your partner, who lies on their back. Rotate both clockwise and counterclockwise, slowly and attentively.


This technique is named for the kisses and oral caresses that travel across the entire body. The most sensitive areas include the “passion stripe” (the hairy strip from the navel to the pubic bone) and the “groin groove” (between the thigh and the scrotum). Don’t forget that many men have very sensitive nipples!

Feel free to experiment boldly, exploring every corner of his body with your tongue. Alternate your actions: sometimes create wet trails, other times tease with light touches.